Care + Support

No One Hurts Alone

Our hope and daily pursuit is to be a church where no one hurts alone. Dozens of caring people—from pastors to volunteer nurses—lend a hand to make sure that each person at First Pres can receive the care he or she needs. No one is forgotten at a time of crisis. If you are in need of care, many resources are available to you. 

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” – 2 Corinthians 1:3–4

I Need Help

Grief Workshop

If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one during this challenging time, you don't have to journey alone. The Grief Workshop is a great way to grow toward health and wholeness from a Christian perspective. Join us for our next workshop September 9 to October 21. Monday nights, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Come early the first night to check-in and get your materials.

During this seven-week workshop, you'll learn tools for dealing with loss, share your own story and hear from others who understand-all in an emotionally safe environment. Cost is $40 per person. Preregistration is needed in order to form the small groups.



Frequently Asked Questions

Visitation and phone calls to those who are hospitalized, homebound or in short-term rehab is part of the daily heartbeat of Caring Ministries. Call us if you or a family member are hospitalized. Referrals are also welcome. If you know of anyone in our church family who feels lonely, isolated or overlooked, please contact Caring Ministries to request a visit.

Deacons are elected and ordained officers of the church who each care for a small number of members. Deacons contact their “flock” quarterly, in addition to serving the needs of our members in a number of other ways. If you would like to have a Deacon contact you, please contact Caring Ministries.

Stephen Ministers are trained volunteers who can listen, offer support and walk alongside those who are facing a season of loss, stress or transition. Stephen Ministers are available to meet weekly with you during your time of trouble.