Good Friday

On Good Friday, we stand at the foot of the cross and behold the depth of Christ’s love—a love that bore our sin, endured suffering, and triumphed through sacrifice. This solemn service invites us to pause, reflect, and remember the cost of our salvation. Through Scripture, prayer, and worship, we walk with Jesus to Golgotha, witnessing His final words, His suffering, and the moment when darkness covered the earth. The cross and resurrection cannot be separated. Without the cross, there is no resurrection. Without the suffering of Christ, there is no victory over sin and death. On Good Friday, we enter the weight of this moment, knowing that Sunday is coming—but first, we must walk the path of the cross.

Date + Time:

Friday, April 18, 2025 @ 6:30 PM


Chris Cullins

(719) 884-6155


Worship Center